Saturday, January 31, 2009


Vegas hurts. But i'll get to that.

Since my last post in San Fran, i've been pretty busy. On that first afternoon I walked some of the hills of San Francisco, and all I can say is no wonder I didn't see any fat people. I went down to check out the Golden Gate Bridge, took a few snaps and left pretty quickly, since it's actually not that impressive. Better was what they call the 'painted ladies', a whole bunch of original Victorian era homes around Golden Gate Park, with some really funky paintjobs that would put Carlton and Brunswick to shame.

I then experienced heaven. I'm not talking the kind of 'oh, that was okay' heaven, but actual 'let me through the gates, dude, I'm all yours' kind of thing. I can't remember the name of the place, but it served the greatest burger I've ever eaten in my life, with curly fries! I have a photo, but pictures and words can't do this thing justice, it was the kind of eating experience we've only had a couple of times overseas, and I was completely surprised to find it. Hey, a whole paragraph about a burger, I should be a writer!

Next day I did the Alcatraz thing, which was a lot better than the bridge. The views of the Bay and San Fran from the island are great, and the prison itself (and the audio tour) is a lot of fun. Spent about two hours there, then ferried back and checked out Fisherman's Wharf. Again, had a great mail out of the blue, with a fish taco from a little Mexican place. Say what you want about San Francisco, but they know how to eat. I then checked out the San Fran Museum of Modern Art, which was cool, but half of it was closed. This one is for Buggy, for dinner I ate at the restaurant of an Iron Chef winner called Jardinere (spelling?). Expensive, but probably the greatest meal I've ever had. Did some shopping after dinner, and put San Fran in the books.

Vegas. Oh Vegas. Turns out not only did Ness and I manage to land in Washington around the time of Obama, but my last night in Vegas and on Holiday is Superbowl Night. For those of you who know me well enough, that should suffice, but its the biggest weekend in Vegas apart from New Years. To boot, my hotel is a big frickin' castle, which looks like something a lego grand master built. Can't wait to show everyone the photos. Room is nice though, and weather is great.

Anyway, arrived about 3pm and gambled until about 6 on the Hold Em tables. Ate nachos (and its still all i've eaten in 24 hours here, oops) and ended up at the Coyote Ugly bar, hanging with some Canadians who convinced me to play Beer Pong. It hurts. Alot. Along with the half naked bar chick who called me 'Oz' and declared me her favourite because I was drinking two Coronas at once. She liberally poured free booze down my throat. the rest of the night is kind of hazy, but I did get kicked out of one bar for calling a bar guy racist. He was, and I was right. Anyway, tonight I have tickets to Cirque de Soleil, but im going to try to swap them to tomorrow night so I can go to the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Was going to go to Grand Canyon, but way too expensive, and there's plenty to do here. Superbowl tomorrow. Yay.

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