Sunday, December 21, 2008

Arrive alive...

Ok so we're in London, after a very long and stinky twenty something hour flight. Things we have discovered so far:

1. Our travel agent isn't very good... we nearly couldn't sit together on the plane!
2. The Chinese are very good at everything.
3. Vanessa has a knack for throwing up at the most irritating times... landing in Hong Kong... check.
4. Having it get dark at 3pm really messes with your head. We just went down for dinner at 4pm.
5. London has a South Kensington station as well, except the train actually stops at theirs!

To date, we've been in four queues, and the medals so far go to:
Gold - China... say what you want about communism, they're doin' something right.
Silver - Britain... despite lots of flights arriving, got through immigration in 15 flat.
Broze - Tulla... sorry Melbourne, but you suck. Crying babies, crap staff, go home team!

Just on Britain for a second, we were a bit miffed to find the EU get their own special immigration skipping queue. This means that the loyal subjects of the Empire have to line up with plebs from anywhere (say, Bolivia), while the Germans (yes, those same Germans that BOMBED THE JOINT), get to ride express.

Steve was amused by the train ride, which was going to 'Cockfosters', and despite Vanessa's dirty glare, he was vindicated by the twelve year old, also named Steve, who giggled as well.

So at the moment we are sitting in the Contiki 'Lounge', trying to find the @ button on the keyboard (who would have thought it would be in a different place! Those crazy Brits...), completely knackered but recently showered so no longer stinky.

So pretty boring way to start our travel blog, but give us a break, we've been in the country for four hours, and haven't slept in thirty six.


  1. Don't worry Steve, I also giggled like a school boy when I saw the sign to Cockfosters. In fact, I decided in the end to get a photo so the memory would live on.

    Get some sleep now you two!

  2. GO TO SLEEP!!!

    am glad you both arrived safely!!!


  3. The @ symbol is down the bottom somewhere and you have to press the AltGr key.

    That took us weeks to figure out.
