Tuesday, December 30, 2008

-6 degrees and counting

Okay, it is cold, and German keyboards are weird. Just a quick update on what we have been up to. Have not had a lot of time to visit net cafes.

Tour started without much fuss with a nice boat ride over the Chanel, departing from the lovely white cliffs of Dover. Good news is, Vanessa did not throw up on the boat, hooray!

We spent a couple of days in Amsterdam, starting with a very boozy night with some of the others. 1 Euro Jagermeister shots and two for one everything had Steve very happy. We also had a look around the red light district, which was fairly interesting. Ness wanted to hire one of the window girls, but Steve said no. The next day in Amsterdam we checked out Anne Franks house, which was very moving, and the Heineken Brewery, which also rocked. We also did about eight kilometres of walking around beautiful Amsterdam.

Arrived in Berlin yesterday arvo, had a nice walking tour down to the Reichstag and a few of the other sites, and did the same again today. Went past the Wall, Checkpoint Charlie (fake), the Museum district and the other bits and pieces. Checked out the Deutsche history museum, which was pretty cool. Germans also love their big television towers, too. Tonight we are heading to a Beer Hall, then doing yet another walking tour, bringing the total up to three for this city. Could be a large night.

Prague tomorrow for New Years, which may be a big large.


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